A psychological horror story where we, as the host of a TV show about searching for the paranormal, go to the most unfortunate places on the planet and spend the night there, with the goal of debunking local legends. The show is losing ratings and is on the verge of closing, and the only salvation is to film mind-blowing material for TV, which pushes the host and his partner to pre-planned "paranormal activities", but were they all planned?
A large and abandoned hospital complex for the mentally ill, which carries a thirty-year dark history. Pain, suffering and death of the innocent. You simply can't find a better place. Arm yourself with everything you need and shoot YOUR SHOW!
A lot of familiar and unique mechanics that will help you find all the "surprises" from your partner, and maybe something more.
A complete lack of audio screamers, musical ambient and banal screamers. No chases and hide-and-seek, full immersion, full realism!
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